1. Zoia Tskhadaia
Georgia, Tbilisi
Poetic Text – an Eternal Paradigm of Existential Meaning
2. Mari Tsereteli
Georgia, Tbilisi
Cholera Pandemic, Editorial Policy of the Newspaper „Iveria“ and the Specifics of Coverage
3. Maia Tsertsvadze
Georgia, Tbilisi
„Illness of the Poor“, Georgian Writers and Georgian Literature
4. Miranda Tkeshelashvili
Georgia, Tbilisi
The Spread of Pandemics and Epidemics and the Social and Political Context of the Events of that Time in the Georgian Democratic Press of the Early 20th Century
Moderator – Mariam Giorgashvili
Meeting ID: 812 7810 6376
Passcode: 817146
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