1. Manana Kvataia
Georgia, Tbilisi
On the Modern Artistic and Allegorical Reflection of Catharsis
2. Tamta Ghonghadze
Georgia, Tbilisi
Vazha-Pshavela in Cinema − „Some Plagues are Beneficial“
3. Nino Popiashvili
Georgia, Tbilisi
Literature in the Pandemics: Global Space and the Paradigm of Migrant Literature
4. Tsira Kilanava
Georgia, Tbilisi
The Literary Depiction of the Pandemic: Visualization of Space and Social Relations Based on „Mikela“ by David Kldiashvili
5. Lili Metreveli
Georgia, Tbilisi
Blindness – An Epidemic in the Text
(According to Jose Saramago’s „Blindness“)
Moderator – Lili Metreveli
Meeting ID: 814 1298 3431
Passcode: 814840
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